October 6, 2010

Now let's REALLY start getting healthy!!!

Now, taking in consideration that you read Skinny Bitch already and you took a look at the site I showed you guys... Okay, I understand for most this radical and nearly impossible to achieve because you haven't been brought up this way and changing a life time of habits can be rough, yes I am aware of that... First, start slowly by cutting your weekly portions of meat that u eat down, or do like I did and go watch videos of poor animals being tortured...  Why would you want to eat dead animal anyways.... it is full of toxins, anitibiotics, steroids, antidepressant, when you are eating the meat u are also taking all the fear and stress that the animal suffered in the farm! Just think about it... disgusting! 

For dairy products: I used to be a real milk drinker!! But I realized that everytime I would have some, I would feel bloated and fat after... wasnt hard at all cutting that from my diet, try opting for soy milk, you have many flavors and its as good as in cereal!! My personal favorite is chocolate from SILK!!! Oh my menoummyyy goodnesss is that ever YUMM!!!! You can also try rice and almond milk! Yogurt is not as bad as milk because it contains good bacteria and has an enzyme that makes it easier on digestion! If you have children, it is okay under the age of 4 or 5 to give them milk, it becomes hard on the digestion when you're an adult! Cheese!!! I LOVE cheese!!! boy is that ever good... I believe in moderation, if you have it once in a while to treat yourself, I don't think it can cause you a lot of damage, anyways, it is not something u want to consume everyday because it is pretty fat!

The best thing you can feed your body are fruits and vegetables, try eating mostly raw (that is when you ahve the most vitamins and nutriments). Make yourself salads for lunch with homemade dressings (just use a little bit of olive oil, cold press and extra virgin, balsamic vinegar, little bit of herbs and black pepper voilĂ ! oh and u can also add a little bit of water), toss a can of corn or bean to give an extra boost of protein!!  simple?

Try not to eat too much bread... ya me too I looovee bread!! But if you are trying to lose weight, it should be something to avoid as possible, and if you want to have it anyways, then go for the whole wheat and multigrain, it has so much more taste and so much more nutritional value, but read the ingredients to make sure there isnt any hidden bleached flour! Which brings me to the next topic....

Put a big X on everything that is refined or bleach... Go for the whole wheat bread, pasta, rice... Brown sugar...  Who said that white stuff tastes better anyways... It not only takes all the nutritional values away, but it tastes like nothing and will NOT sustain you for a good amount of time!

CHOCOLATE!!!!! OH MYY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!! for those who know me personaly know that I don't have sweet tooth but a chocolate tooth!!!!  BUT the good thing is that I don't crave the chocolate kandee (oh my god hahaa!!! I really did not write this on purpose!! I just reread it and it made me laugh.... I think I watch too much Kandee Johnson hahaa) bars... I drool over dark chocolate, literally... but I like anything that is chocolaty... cereal, cupcakes, silk soy milk.... you name it... but i control myself and once in a while I treat myself!! Last night I made some chocolate(dark, duhh)-zucchini muffins!!! MIAMM!!! I just put less sugar and less oil than in the recipe and I switched the white flour for whole wheat and a little bit of oatmeal!! Menoumm!!!!

I said it before and I am going to repeat myself... ALWAYS READ THE INGREDIENTS!!! Most companies claim themselves healthy, but after reading the ingredients you realize its full of refined sugar and hydrogenated oils... Not cool! I prefer making things by myself... you know exactly what is in it and it tastes so much better!!!

Now this being said, have an awsome healthy day... keep taking care of your temple!!!

Ana xxx

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