October 6, 2010

Now let's REALLY start getting healthy!!!

Now, taking in consideration that you read Skinny Bitch already and you took a look at the site I showed you guys... Okay, I understand for most this radical and nearly impossible to achieve because you haven't been brought up this way and changing a life time of habits can be rough, yes I am aware of that... First, start slowly by cutting your weekly portions of meat that u eat down, or do like I did and go watch videos of poor animals being tortured...  Why would you want to eat dead animal anyways.... it is full of toxins, anitibiotics, steroids, antidepressant, when you are eating the meat u are also taking all the fear and stress that the animal suffered in the farm! Just think about it... disgusting! 

For dairy products: I used to be a real milk drinker!! But I realized that everytime I would have some, I would feel bloated and fat after... wasnt hard at all cutting that from my diet, try opting for soy milk, you have many flavors and its as good as in cereal!! My personal favorite is chocolate from SILK!!! Oh my menoummyyy goodnesss is that ever YUMM!!!! You can also try rice and almond milk! Yogurt is not as bad as milk because it contains good bacteria and has an enzyme that makes it easier on digestion! If you have children, it is okay under the age of 4 or 5 to give them milk, it becomes hard on the digestion when you're an adult! Cheese!!! I LOVE cheese!!! boy is that ever good... I believe in moderation, if you have it once in a while to treat yourself, I don't think it can cause you a lot of damage, anyways, it is not something u want to consume everyday because it is pretty fat!

The best thing you can feed your body are fruits and vegetables, try eating mostly raw (that is when you ahve the most vitamins and nutriments). Make yourself salads for lunch with homemade dressings (just use a little bit of olive oil, cold press and extra virgin, balsamic vinegar, little bit of herbs and black pepper voilà! oh and u can also add a little bit of water), toss a can of corn or bean to give an extra boost of protein!!  simple?

Try not to eat too much bread... ya me too I looovee bread!! But if you are trying to lose weight, it should be something to avoid as possible, and if you want to have it anyways, then go for the whole wheat and multigrain, it has so much more taste and so much more nutritional value, but read the ingredients to make sure there isnt any hidden bleached flour! Which brings me to the next topic....

Put a big X on everything that is refined or bleach... Go for the whole wheat bread, pasta, rice... Brown sugar...  Who said that white stuff tastes better anyways... It not only takes all the nutritional values away, but it tastes like nothing and will NOT sustain you for a good amount of time!

CHOCOLATE!!!!! OH MYY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!! for those who know me personaly know that I don't have sweet tooth but a chocolate tooth!!!!  BUT the good thing is that I don't crave the chocolate kandee (oh my god hahaa!!! I really did not write this on purpose!! I just reread it and it made me laugh.... I think I watch too much Kandee Johnson hahaa) bars... I drool over dark chocolate, literally... but I like anything that is chocolaty... cereal, cupcakes, silk soy milk.... you name it... but i control myself and once in a while I treat myself!! Last night I made some chocolate(dark, duhh)-zucchini muffins!!! MIAMM!!! I just put less sugar and less oil than in the recipe and I switched the white flour for whole wheat and a little bit of oatmeal!! Menoumm!!!!

I said it before and I am going to repeat myself... ALWAYS READ THE INGREDIENTS!!! Most companies claim themselves healthy, but after reading the ingredients you realize its full of refined sugar and hydrogenated oils... Not cool! I prefer making things by myself... you know exactly what is in it and it tastes so much better!!!

Now this being said, have an awsome healthy day... keep taking care of your temple!!!

Ana xxx

October 5, 2010

Here is an easy recipe on how to make menoum healthy fajitas!!!

This recipe is really easy and really fast! So when ever you are in a hurry, don't know what to eat... instead of jumping on the junk food or the frozen dinner, just throw peppers and onions in a pan, u can also put mushrooms but I didn't have any, so while that's cooking preheat the oven, cut have an avocado and half of a tomato, all this while stirring one in a while, after u just put a little bit of cheese on top, if you are trying to loose weight, the trick is to put just a small amount to give flavor... when the veggies are cooked, just toss it in the oven with the cheese, while that is melting you have 2minutes to do the dishes, and then add the rest and VOILÀ!! Quick easy meal that contains everything you need to sustain you and give you energy!!   


Ana xxx

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Humans were not made to eat dead animals!!! We ARE NOT Carnivores!!

Many studies have shown that the human being does not categorize itself as a "meat eater", if we compare our bodies to the bodies of a tiger or any other carnivore on this planet, it is quite obvious that we do not own the same defense mechanism as them nor the same pathological anatomy... so just look at this, it is the comparative anatomy and says pretty much all of it... a picture is worth 1000 words... ya well this is pretty much it!! (click on it to see it bigger) 

We have grown up with the mentality that we need meat to be healthy... which is totally not true, of course it is hard for a meat eater to accept such a thing and go against everything he has believed all his life, but more and more studies are showing that it is in fact quite the opposite, meat is actually bad for us because our systems were not created to digest such a thing, the board says it all....... just use your logic!
Here is a site that can help you understand better what I am trying to explain: http://www.meli-mello.com
I could tell you everything in my own words... but this site gives you all the goodies without having me to type everything hahaa 
Now... the reason why I am talking about this is because 2 years ago I started thinking about my health and I wanted to give the best to my body and stop shoving junk in it, so I started to take conscious  and doing research and informing myself. Now forget about all the stupid diets and silly tricks to loose weight in the magazines or in amateur books, you might lose weight, but does it really mean you are giving your body what it really needs? Now if you give what is best to your body and you change your lifestyle, it is almost certain that you will loose weight because you don't feed it crap!

I am also showing this because I find disgusting the treatment imposed to poor innocent animals!!  It is horrible!! I watched a couple videos on youtube and on PETA... I was crying like a baby, my heart ached and I felt so sad towards all this cruelty!! Did you know that animal farms produce LOTS of pollution and that most of the crops that we grow on earth are to feed them... imagine if we settled to eating meat twice a month and we took the "animal food" left and gave it to poor countries, worldwide starvation would decrease!!

Now, the only reason that there is so much advertising on drinking milk and having everyone tell us that we need it and that its good for us and blah blah is because it is a multimillion industry!!  Having us be fooled and brainwashed into drinking milk is a great way for them to make money! No other animal drinks milk at an adult age, even less from another specie!! We are the only one... no wonder most adults are lactose intolerant, others feel bloated or not well... its not true that u need it for your calcium.... this is all bullshit!
Now if you don't believe me, like most of my friends that I have been trying to explain to them for the past year, a couple months ago I finally read something that summed up everything you need to know!! It's a book called Skinny Bitch and is truly amazing!! 
I deeply recommend this reading to anyone who is conscious and worried about their health and for people who are tired of listening to the old crap and old theories of eating meat, drinking milk and putting other useless crap in our body!! So Enjoy and start getting healthy :)


Here are a few quick tricks on how to start getting healthy!!

Being beautiful is not about looking gorgeous and putting tons of make up on, it's about how you feel inside and how you show it to the world. Beauty starts from within and glows through each one of your movements and each one features. A woman may seem gorgeous at first but when you get closer and she never smiles, is bitchy or plays the "I'm better than you" card... well that person is way less attractive than the other more simple woman that has a kind heart and a warm smile.

Now, being beautiful also equals to being healthy and living an active life. In other words, if you party every night, drink lots of alcohol, do drugs, smoke, if you don't take care of your skin and eat a lot of junk food... It's inevitable that everything goes together and you won't have a firm peachy glowing skin, you won't have as much energy, you might feel fat and bloated, you won't have self confidence, you might depress and party even more...  Ok I don't want to sound to dramatic here, I don't want to tell you how to live your life, I'm not your mother... I'm just saying that you can't go on drinking, putting junk in your body and thinking that you are going to have radiant skin...

Here are a couple quick tricks to help you have more energy, more self-confidence, better looking skin and teeth, healthy body...

1. Eat Healthy: This means, START COOKING, leave restaurants and ESPECIALLY fast food and process food alone!!! Now, in order to have a healthy metabolism, you have to eat lots of veggies and fruits, the less cooked as possible. Cut the bread and meat of your everyday nutrition. Our society emphasis too much on eating those products, now you will think i am crazy but... I am not, it's not bad to have it once in a while but not everyday like we were thought to. (I will explain this in an other blog that will be much more detailed, this is only a first guide on how to acquire a healthier life style). If you are a little veal and drink a lot of milk, then you should tone that down also because it has been proven that milk is for babies, it wasnt made for adult consumption. ALWAYS READ THE INGREDIENTS OF WHAT YOU BUY!!! I'll never say this enough, THIS is THE KEY to being healthy. Some products advertise themselves as green and healthy but contains hydrogenated oils and refined sugar... Stay away from those and all the ingredients that you don't know what they are or seem creepy (I'll come back on these later)

2. DRINK LOTS OF WATER!!! Your body is made to approximately 60% of it and your brain about 85%... It will also help clear the toxins in your system and wash out all the bad stuff.

3. Moisturize your skin with ORGANIC NATURAL CREMES!! Some creams contain petrolatum or mineral oil, which is basically made out of petrol and will clog your pores. Stay away from parabens, yes they are from a plant but they are also cancerous preservatives. I personally love kiss my face, it's all natural and smells menoum!!Here is that site: http://www.kissmyface.com or you can get it at pretty much any whole food or natural stores. I also use a night creme from Burt's Bees, it's made with royal jelly and I love this stuff!! Royal jelly is produced from the bees and the queen is the only one that feeds of this her entire life, the other bees eat it only first days or hours of there lives. It's packed with vitamins and minerals and it's just amazing, the queen that can lay over 1000 eggs a day... So just imagine how much energy and vitamins and strength she needs to have. Here is the site for other goodies: http://www.burtsbees.ca/ (This cream is a little more expensive, but definitely worth it!!)


4. EXERCISE!! You won't have your dream body if you sit on your bum all day. Go to the gym, run, play a sport but do something that makes you feel good! You will have to much more energy, you will feel so much better about yourself... At first it may be hard but you have to talk to yourself, motivate yourself, and if that is a problem well I am here for ideas and tips and tricks to keep you motivated. So for now start easy if you've never moved and until then I will be posting more benefits and tricks to get you in healthy shape!

Now my goal here is not to make you guys all skinny and model looking... No, its just to help you feel good about the body you are in and that you will be stuck with the rest of your journey on earth, so why not make the most out of it! Now the first step to feeling beautiful and confident is being healthy!

For any questions or ideas that you would like me to explain or talk to you about in dept, leave me a comment and I will take it in consideration for the next video!
Until then, take care and have fun with your new and better lifestyle, and remember that everything you do, eat and live today will have an impact on you later, life will catch up one day or the other so you better start now rather than having triple more work to do later!! 
Ana xxx